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Jerusalem Travel Diary

Views overlooking Jerusalem from the Austrian Hospice located in the Muslim Quarter Jerusalem ~ The City of Gold Jerusalem, one of the oldest and holiest cities in the world. The Old City has a history that is believed to go back more than 3,000 years, while the walls that surround the Old City were first built in 1538 by Suileman the Magnificent. A home to some of the most important and sacred religious sites for Muslims, Jews and Christians. Though, you do not have to be religious to appreciate this incredible intense city.  No matter what your belief, standing in…

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Tel Aviv Travel Diary

Ben Gurion (the first Prime Minister of Israel) statue on Frishman Beach Shalom, my friends! Welcome to Tel Aviv … Tel Aviv (meaning “Hill of Spring” in Hebrew) has been listed as one of the top travel destinations for 2020 and I can certainly see why. Located on Israel’s Mediterranean coast, Tel Aviv boasts 14 km of dazzling beaches, a vibrant food scene, buzzing nightlife (not that I experienced much of that as that is past my bedtime! Haha) and of course, fascinating history in every direction! That is precisely why, when I had the unexpected opportunity, I jumped at the chance…

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Dead Sea Travel Diary

Have you ever dreamed of floating in the Dead Sea? I had read about it and seen photos but never dreamed I would actually be standing here! The minute we confirmed my trip to Israel was actually happening (which was only confirmed a few days prior), I began researching and planning.  I prefer to always have a plan in place to not miss something or waste time.  Yes, I am up absolutely up for spontaneity … such as this trip but I still like to have a “rough” plan.  Immediately, thoughts began swirling in my head … We would be…

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