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To Blog or Not to Blog? … That is the Question

A comment that I have received over and over again, is, “You should really start a blog or write a book about all your travels.”  Upon the decision to move to Switzerland, my goal was to begin writing my travel blog but I’m not a professional writer or photographer so I wasn’t sure anyone would be that interested. There are so many travel blogs out there, why would someone read mine? Then I started to hear these comments so often, that I began to give it some thought.  Why not?! Each of us has our own insight and perspective on our life experiences.  We may have traveled to the same places or eaten the same foods but that doesn’t mean our experiences were the same.  

My friends and family often ask advice on planning their trips and I’ve become quite effective at being our own personal travel agent … why not share what I’ve learned along the way?

I decided to reach out to a few trusted friends and asked their opinion as I knew they would be brutally honest and I would expect no less.  The answers I received truly inspired me!

“Why not write about it?  Why not take a thousand pictures and try a thousand new things and share it with the world?  You wouldn’t be bragging, ‘Look at me!’  You’d be sharing extraordinary destinations with people, most of whom will never ever make it to any of these far reaches of the universe.  Why not?”

 “Just by virtue of you being there and traveling solo and jumping on mass transit and sight-seeing on your own—you are an explorer.  You are a pioneer!  You make the most of wherever you are and you live an extraordinary life.  Why not share it?”

“PLEASE DO IT.  Do it for people like me that can’t leave.  Do it for people considering taking that job abroad or following their loved ones. I’m telling you that it could help so many people! Your photos are stunning and it would give us a chance to hear more about what you see, hear and feel.  Pretty, please, do it!

Those are just a few of the comments I received from close friends.

So, a BIG thank you to all of my friends that encouraged me to share this journey of our unconventional life.

If I can inspire even one of you to take that leap, book that ticket, take that solo trip, go on that road trip, try a new activity, then all of this has been a success!

Here’s to new adventures!  Can’t wait to share them with all of you.

Cheers, Jen xo

Sunset in spectacular Santorini

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